Hello again WordPress land, I hope you’re all well. πŸ™‚

It’s actually happening, it’s really real, it’s true! I’m part of this world record attempt (my name’s there and everything!), we need to sell a minimum of 1000 books in order for us to make the record. Please feel free to share this with anyone and everyone, the more publicity we can get the better. πŸ™‚ Thank you for everyone who’s already shared or bought a book or both.

Please use the link provided to see exactly what the record is all about, there’s also a way to buy on the link too. πŸ™‚ (You should be able to buy from Amazon at the end of September, please don’t pre-order that way as that won’t count towards our sales). Thank you all again, you’re all wonderful. πŸ™‚

About dorypanda

I'm a 'refugee' from the Multiply blogging site, I was at Yahoo 360 to begin with............they closed Multiply's closed down. I just hope this one stays open. :)

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  1. CEA Greatest Anthology Written | Becky J Lucas - September 3, 2017

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